This blog item features the Boholana lawmakers. They are indeed heroines. They do away with personal intentions but are doing things for the welfare of the Boholanos. Praises to our Boholana lawmakers.
Dr. Amalia Reyes Tirol,Board Member,2nd Congressional District, Province of Bohol.
“The 1st Lady Is now a Lawmaker”
There is the widely acknowledged dictum that “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. Although this line should not be taken literally, it connotes the power of a mother in bringing forth to this world high-caliber leaders who decide on most pivotal issues. Dr. Amalia Reyes-Tirol, Ph.D. is an accomplished woman, wife, mother and grandmother. Never the type to stay in the background, even when tending to her husband whose political career was highlighted by his being the Governor of the Province of Bohol, or nurturing eleven children, ten of whom are highly successful professionals, she was always been at the forefront in social concerns. As destiny would have it, she metamorphosed from being the First Lady to becoming a Board Member, the only Boholana accorded such exemplary feat.
Mally was born in San Pascual, Ubay, Bohol on July 10, 1933. She studied at the San Pascual Elementary and graduated with honors in 1949. She was First Honorable Mention in her fourth year class at Ubay Public High School in 1953. That same year she took BEED at Divine Word College, then finished CSS at Rafael Palma College in 1955 and BSC in 1957. In the same institution she graduated BSHE as Cum Laude in 1959, ETCHE as Cum Laude in 1960, and BSEED-HE as Magna Cum Laude in 1961. RPC became University of Bohol where she finished her Master’s Degree as Magna cum Laude in 1965 and Ph.D. also as Magna Cum Laude in 1967.
From 1958 to 1997, a continuous period of 39 years, she worked at RPC/UB as Professor in Typewriting and Stenography; Business Management Professor in the College of Commerce; Professor of the College of Home Economics, while concurrently working as Dean of Men and Women; Head of Home Economics Department; and Head of Alumni and Extension Services. She has been very active in civic and community activities. She is a Board member of the PNRC-Bohol Chapter and now member of the Philippine Gift of Life; Board Member and Auditor of Tagbilaran Puericulture Center and maternity House; Member of the Board of the Bohol Foundation of the Deaf (1982-84); Secretary, Balikatan Sa Kaunlaran (1980-82); Vice President of the same organization from 1982 to 1984; President Tagbilaran City Host Lions Club (1982-84) District Governor district 301B Lioness Club. Board Member of the Girls Scout of the Philippines (1965-1980); Vice President, Girl Scout of the Philippines (1980, 1994, 1997, 2003); President Girls Scout of the Philippines (1994-1997); President National Federation of Women’s Club (1985-2003) member, Congressional Foundation, Inc. (1986-92); and she was the founder and President of Bohol Official Ladies Foundation, Inc. Bohol Chapter (1992-1996).
She was instrumental in organizing the Cortes Official Ladies Cooperative, Trinidad, Food Processing, Duero Official Ladies Cooperative, San Pascual Cattle Dispersal Cooperative, and San Isidro Basket Waivers Cooperative. She is the adviser and consultant of the Bohol Official Ladies Foundation, Inc.2001 up to the present.She is a member of the Treasurer of the Philippine Home Economics Association Region VII (1986-1994). Chairman, Council of Deans and Heads of Home Economics of the Philippines (1993-1994).
Not only is she dynamic in the socio-civic activities, she is also excels in her religious affiliations. She was Member, Our Lady of Lourdes (1949-1957); member Catholic Women’s League (1970-present); vice President, Catholic Women’s League (1988-90); President, San Roque Chapel Organization in Socn-oc, Ubay, Bohol (1988-90); and Adviser of the San Roque Chapel Organization from 1990 to 1995.
With her efficiency as a public servant she acquired various awards and citations. A plaque of Appreciation was given to her being the Outstanding GSP Chairman of the Ruby Jubilee Celebration; awarded as Outstanding Mother of Tagbilaran City by the Tagbilaran Women’s Club in 1994; recognized by the national Chairman of the Council of Heads and Deans of Home Economics in the Philippines by DECS Secretary Ricardo Gloria in 1994; was also recognized for her commitment in maintaining excellent standards in Home Economics Education; honored for being a Nutrition Coordinator by Dr. Florentino ANP Director, Manila; distinguished of her valuable contribution to the success of 74th Town Anniversary Foundation of Trinidad, Bohol (2001); a plaque of appreciation was given to her as the Lioness district President 301B in 1994 and as President of the Tagbilaran City Host Lions Club (2001-02); Outstanding Educator in the field of Education on May 31, 2003 in Cebu; also recognized by the Bohol Provincial Board Member League of the Philippines (2003); Institute of Cultural and Arts Management; TESDA; Philippine Gift of Life; Sunshine Home and was given certificate as 10 years of successful service to the Lions Club International.
In government service she also keeps interest busy with her volume assignments. She was Legislative Assistant (1986-92). Chairman, Committee on Culture and Arts and Committee on Government Properties, Enterprise and Related Undertakings; Vice Chairman, Committee on Public Utilities and Committee on Social Services and Population Development; Member on Committee on Tourism, Committee on Good Government and Committee on Appropriation, Budget/Finance.
Though her life is occupied both socio-civic and government drudgeries she still have time to promote the family’s interest like gardening and food production; mango production; cattle dispersal, which they have been doing since 1965; rice and corn crop production and aquamarine farming.

The greatness of a mother is manifested through her children. The eldest of her 11 children is Dr. Mutya Kismet Tirol-Macuno, a Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Head NICU at Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital. David Rey Tirol finished BS Commerce and Master in Business Administration; he is in the construction business. Engr. Carpo Tirol is a Manager of Australian Aluminum Factory, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Ammon Denis Tirol is a CPA and Master in Business Administration and he is the Budget Officer of the University of Bohol. Honor R. Tirol finished Bachelor of Laws.
Dalia Melda Tirol-Magno is a Certified Public Accountant, Realtor and also works as Registrar of UB. Apolo Marco Tirol who finished Bachelor of Science in Nursing and engaged in business. Homer Ariston Tirol works as Administrative Assitant of the UB President. Reyna Catherine Tirol-Clavano is a Registered Nurse now based in New Zealand. David Tirol III is a BS Economics graduate, licensed Respiratory Therapist and he is now based in California, USA. The youngest Cindy Tirol is registered nurse.