Bohol is blessed with prestine white beaches. A favorite relaxation spot for the locals and a lot of tourists.
Beach goers have a choice of going to public beaches which has cottages for rent and public beaches where people can just go there, enjoy the beach without paying.
For beaches where you need not pay anything to get take a swim in the water and enjoy the white sandy beach in Panglao Island, you can go to either of the following:Doljo beach (most of the portion of this long white beach strip is free); Momo beach, Bikini beach and Alona beach.

There are also white beaches where most of the beach front lots are owned by private individuals however, they provided huts or tables for the public to use for a fee. The favorites are Dumaluan Beach and the BBC Public Beach. At Dumaluan Beach, huts are rented out at P150/day plus additional P30 if you need to use the electric outlet for your cd player or turbo broiler.

Bathers can also enjoy playing beach volleyball there, or pitch a tent on the beach and stay overnight there for a fee of P350/tent for 2 persons. You can bring in as many foods you want, bring your own broiler or broiler your fresh pork belly, chicken or seafoods at the big charcoal pit provided.

Some picnic goers who are not lucky to get huts can still enjoy the beach by renting tables placed , under the shade of the tress lined along the beach. Those who also came without foods can also order grilled foods in the nearby grill hut at very reasonable prices - P60-P90 per set.
It's summer time. Let's enjoy the beach.
Been to Dumaluan. Very nice place and just beside BBC (which 100x better.. hehe)
Bohol Beach Resorts
hi leah, how much do i need to budget for a great, but reasonably-priced enough vacation to bohol? ;)
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